Carmen Cañete

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Carmen joined the firm in October 2024 after having performed an internship during the months of September to December 2023. Prior to joining the firm, Carmen completed an internship in a law firm in Madrid, where she provided legal advice in various areas of civil and labour law. Her work involved drafting court submissions, legal opinions and memorandum, undertaking legal research, as well as assisting in the representation of clients.

Carmen holds a double degree in Law and Business Administration from Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE) in Madrid, Spain, with a particular focus on corporate, competition and tax law, complemented with a solid foundation in cross-border legal issues through courses in European and international law. 

Carmen submitted a thesis, in which she analyzed the 2024 EU Artificial Intelligence ACT (also known as “AI ACT” ), examining how it balances AI innovation with the protection of fundamental rights (such as prohibition of subliminal, manipulative, or deceptive techniques in AI, crime prediction through personal profiling or mass extraction of facial recognition data), and comparing it with other relevant regulations in the USA or China. In addition, she obtained a Diploma in Communication Skills and Studies in a Foreign Language (English). In parallel to the work at the firm, Carmen is pursuing an LL.M from the Madrid Bar Association (ICAM) as she prepares for admission to the Madrid Bar.

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