
Marc Cavaliero

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  • Is there a Place for a Precedent in Sport Arbitration? Marc Cavaliero & Carol Etter, Swedish Sports Law Review, December 2020.
  • Disciplinary Measure and Principle of legality: Reminder of principles through some recent CAS awards (CAS 2017/A/5498 Vitaly Mutko v. IOC and CAS 2018/A/5987 Bernard Giudicelli v. ITF), Marc Cavaliero, Football Legal, March 2020.
  • Disciplinary procedures in Football, an International and Comparative Analysis, Marc Cavaliero, European Sports Law and Policy Bulletin 2017 (together with Prof. Michele Colucci).
  • The Skenderbeu case - A step forward in combatting match-fixing? Marc Cavaliero, Football Legal No. 7, June 2017.
  • Failure to respect a decision: case law when the debtor is a natural person, Marc Cavaliero & Jaime Cambreleng, Football Legal No. 6, December 2016.
  • Third-party influence & Third-party Ownership – a regulatory approach, Marc Cavaliero, Football Legal No. 5, June 2016 and Swedish Sports Law Review, December 2016.
  • Dispute Resolution at the Fédération Internationale de Football Association and its judicial bodies, Marc Cavaliero (together with Mr Omar Ongaro), European Sports Law and Policy Bulletin 1/2013.
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