
Jaime Cambreleng Contreras

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  • Sporting Succession - A continuous hot topic, Jaime Cambreleng & Marc Cavaliero, Swedish Journal of Sports Law 2023.
  • Book on Sporting Succession in Football, J. Cambreleng Contreras – S. Samarth – J.F. Vandellós Alamilla (eds.), International Sports Law and Policy Bulletin 1/2022, September 2022.
  • They Are Not My Witnesses, Jaime Cambreleng, Football Legal No. 16, December 2021.
  • A Pragmatic View into the FIFA Judicial Bodies’ Jurisprudence on Third Party Influence, Jaime Cambreleng, Football Legal No. 11, June 2019.
  • Failure to respect a decision: case law when the debtor is a natural person, Marc Cavaliero & Jaime Cambreleng, Football Legal No. 6, December 2016.
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